Blue Springs Baby Photographers | Blue Birthday Session
This was the first time I had the opportunity to meet Max. He was obviously adorable, but also had such a fun personality. He was full of energy and super smiley (check out those bottom teeth). And best of all, he thought I was hilarious. Which was great, because then mom didn’t have to do all the work to get the smiles from Max. I was able to do a lot of the work on my own. Bonus with making that connection with my little clients is that the babies smile AND look directly at the camera.
Sometimes sessions get challenging when little ones will only smile for their parents because we can’t get that engaged eye contact with the camera. You will notice sometimes in photos the baby’s eyes are looking off to the opposite side of the light source or way above the camera. Often times even tilted their chins up. I can almost guarantee that is because mom or dad is standing there being silly and working hard for smiles.
Listen, I ALWAYS appreciate help getting the babies to smile these huge happy grins. However, I LOVE it when the parent (or grandparent, whoever the resident comedian is) stays right above me/my lens to pull those eyes down. I am never afraid to speak up and direct parents where to stand. I care more about that connection in the final image than I do being annoying and asking more than once to stay close and low to my lens.
Happy Birthday, Max! I just know you are going to have so much fun being one sweetie!

Liberty Baby Photographer

Kansas City Baby Photography
To view more of Anna’s studio work check out her portfolio here.