Family Photographer KC | Kauffman Gardens and Annie
I was so excited that this session actually happened! Not only was I shooting this on a day with iffy weather, but the next day this family was moving out of state. So to say that I was really hoping for the rain to stop was a bit of an understatement. Not exactly one you can just reschedule!
They had never visited Kauffman Gardens, so they were able to check a Kansas City must see off their list right before the move.
It really is a beautiful place when it isn’t over run with loud wedding parties and out of control teenage prom groups dropping trash and walking all over the grass. Unfortunately, because of the things that I hate, (and I am sure just about every other rule abiding photographer) they will be closing the gardens to photography as of July 1, 2015. This may be the very last session I shoot there. I didn’t always love this location because it felt like such a loud hassle to be in the space with people who had complete disregard for the grounds and even other people for that matter. But having experienced it that night with this sweet family and but a quiet handful of Kansas Citians it really does make me sad to see it go. Just that one night made me love it in a way I hadn’t before.
Annie was a doll, as she always is. She is just one of those sweet kids who listens well and follows directions. Eager to please and looks perfectly adorable doing it. I have loved photographing her since she was just a baby and will miss those cheeks and brown eyes in the future. I think I may have her momma sign a contract that she will bring her back once a year just to see me!
I am sad to see such a wonderful client move on, but it is certainly to bigger and better things. I wish you all the very best and hope your new adventure treats you well. You deserve it!

KC Family Photography

Kansas City Family Photographers

Family Photographer KC

Family Photographer KC

Blue Springs Family Photographer

Liberty Family Photographer

Kansas City Photographer

Liberty Child Photography

Lee’s Summit Child Photographer
Anna is a Kansas City area Child and Family Photographer. Anna also specializes in newborn posed photography.
To see more of Anna’s work click here.