Greenwood Family Photography | Three Brothers Outdoor Session
Just as it always goes with any outdoor session, you really don’t know which cards Mother Nature is going to deal you. You just have to wait and see if you get a good hand.
This seems to me, to be THE rainiest (is that a word??) spring we have had in a really long time. Every time I check the forecast it is going to be raining. If we aren’t canceling a photo session we are canceling one of my kiddos’ softball games. Rain is either currently falling, about to fall or it just did so everything is a muddy soggy mess.
Just not the ideal weather you want going into the beginning of the outdoor shooting season.
Even on the way to the session it was sprinkling and we had to have a quick conference call to decide whether to move on or reschedule. We decided to forge on ahead and shoot. The boys were dressed and ready to go and the rain seemed to be letting up. And although it rained on me periodically during my drive we did not see one drop of rain during the shoot. I was so thankful for that…mostly because the walk from the car to where we were at was quite a hike! And no one likes to be caught in a down pour with a bag full of camera equipment and a family with three little ones. Just the fact that we ended up dry with a card full of great images made me feel like I had won for the night.
These little guys were full of energy and spunk. They really had me hustling, but that is good for me to think quick and be creative. I even managed to capture eye contact AND a smile in some of the shots. Considering that alone a success.
I had fun meeting your family Sam and Tabitha, hope you love the images as much as I do!

Greenwood Family Photography

Greenwood Family Photography

KC Family Photography

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Lee’s Summit Family Photography

KC Family Photography

Kansas City Family Photography
To see more of Anna’s work click here.
Anna is a Kansas City Area photographer who specializes in newborn photographer, but also enjoys capturing families in the summer and fall.