Kansas City Cake Smash Photos | Ellie Turns One
It is always fun to have my newborn clients come back to see me. And what better way to celebrate the big 0-1, than with cake!
The last time I saw Ellie it was back in the fall and she was just starting to sit up. Like, super wobbly, barely keeping her balance. We shot a family session outdoors on a beautiful evening with perfect weather. I remember that on one shot I had to composite two images of her on a bucket and edit out her momma’s arm. So, when they came in for the one-year session I was a little surprised that the birthday girl was walking all over the place. And has been since January! She was a busy little lady and I can only imagine what she is like at home, with so many more things to get into.
I and her momma worked really hard to not only keep her on the set, in front of the light but also to keep her attention. She was on the go and no squeaky toy was going to get more than a fleeting glance from Ellie.
My own kiddos didn’t walk until they were a bit older than one so I never had to deal with a child that could climb and run at my own one-year photo shoots. I just sat them down and the most they could do was crawl a few feet before I would plop them right back where I wanted them. So I really have sympathy for the moms who are breaking a sweat and having to convince a one-year-old that they want to sit in the chair. It’s different from other chairs, it’s the most fun you will have today!
So after a lot of silliness, dancing, puffs, and maybe a little bit of pleading we got all the shots we needed of this beautiful girl. I would photograph this doll every week if I could. But next time it is gonna have to be outdoors and I am wearing yoga pants and tennis shoes!
Happy Birthday, Ellie! Have fun being one sweetie!

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Kansas City Cake Smash Photos

Kansas City Cake Smash Photos
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