One of the first questions during a newborn session phone consult is, “Are sibling shots included?” The answer is yes. If you book a Signature Newborn Session with Kansas City infant photographer Anna Marie, family, parent and sibling shots are included. They are some of our favorite to shoot and the most popular images at the reveal sessions. Clients always walk away with product and digital files that feature these special shots.
If you follow me on social media I am sure you know I often share behind the scenes videos of that portion of the session. I do this because it’s fun to watch, it’s cute to see toddlers snuggle their new baby and it gives clients an idea of what to expect when they hire me. However, I think, because I only share when things are going very smoothly it can be a little misleading. And I don’t want to do that. I prefer to be honest. If things are going sideways I don’t share simply because I need to focus all my efforts on my job. There isn’t time to make cute videos and be silly. Sometimes all the adults in the room have to really work together, very focused, to just accomplish getting ONE solid shot. I don’t want to fool you to think everything that happens on any given day is exactly the way I plan it or want it to be. That is impossible.
I would say MOST of the time we end up getting it done. Every once in awhile big brother or sister is feeling some kind of way about photos and there is nothing that is going to fix it. No amount of Baby Shark or fruit snacks is going to convince them to participate. And here is the part moms don’t want to hear. It’s okay if it doesn’t happen.
Do you really, really want a photo of your babies all together? Yes, of course. Everyone does. But there are some days that you cannot, under any circumstances, make it happen. And it’s okay.
It doesn’t mean that your child is bad. It doesn’t mean that you don’t know what you are doing if they don’t listen to you. They are little humans who think for themselves and act on their own accord. You can’t always find a loophole in their toddler behavior to fix them and get them to sit for a photo with a new baby. And it’s okay.
It also doesn’t mean your photographer is unskilled if she cannot get your toddler to participate. I know that I will do everything in my power to engage your child, make it fun and silly. I I will pull out all my tricks and sometimes they still won’t do it. And it’s not my fault. I am only with your child for a tiny snapshot of that one day. I don’t know all of their individual ins and outs. Even though I am great with kids and almost always succeed in getting that one photo you really want…there are days that I can’t do it. And that’s okay.
Now this is not to diminish the importance of a family photo or to make mom’s seem silly for wanting it to happen. And it is not to take the pressure off of myself to accomplish it. It is only to be honest and realistic and to bring attention back to the real reason we are there to begin with.
We are there to capture those first few weeks of the NEW baby’s life. Their sweet features. Their tiny toes and fingers. We want to capture their rolls and wrinkles. We have been here before with big brother or sister. They have had those moments captured for them. It’s time to focus (just for these few hours) on the new baby. The new baby wasn’t in big sister’s newborn photos. Big sister had her time of being the new little life. Today is not their turn. Today if she doesn’t feel up to performing we don’t force it. Because today we aren’t here just for her. And that’s okay.
If you leave with beautiful moments photographed, a fleeting moment captured forever, a new family member celebrated, a new life documented then you got what you came for. You waited for nine months for this blessing (maybe much much more) don’t diminish the moments you did capture by being so sad by one you didn’t.
Life isn’t always perfect. Children don’t always do what you want or expect them to do. It doesn’t have to make your experiences any less wonderful, that’s all up to you.
If you are interested in learning more about professional photography services I offer in Kansas City, MO the surrounding areas, contact me today for all the details!