Jul 23, 2022

Kansas City Infant Photos | I hope my daughter uses her voice

 Kansas City Infant Photos | I hope my daughter uses her voice


We are using these images of little Olivia to create a custom piece of artwork for her momma’s home. I was so happy to be able to find the perfect newborn props I needed for this shoot.  I provided everything except for the stack of books.  Those are Olivia’s.

I have to say I not only loved this baby and this project, but I am also a huge fan of this beautiful poem by Kiara Whittle whose words inspired these images.

Little girl, you can do big things.

I Hope My Daughter Uses Her Voice
“I bet she’ll be pretty”
They say at her cot,
I wonder what this means so I ask “Pretty what?”
“Pretty bold? Pretty bright? Pretty wise, loud, and brave?”
Ah, but they just mean her face, and they hope she’ll behave.
But I hope my daughter doesn’t do as she’s told,
As long as she’s safe, I hope my daughter is bold,
She questions the world, she’ll fight as she stands,
She knows that she has powers as great as any man,
She’s sporty and creative, she has so much to say,
She’s kind and inquisitive, she changes the world each day.
When she becomes a teen I know the world will seem tight,
But a small box to fill and then she’ll be right.
I hope she knows her beauty doesn’t come from her face,
That being a woman doesn’t mean knowing your place,
That I hope she’s happy and fights for her choice,
Yes I hope my future daughter always uses her voice.

Kanas City Infant Photographer

Kansas City Infant Photographer

Kansas City Infant Photographer

Kansas City Infant Photographer

Kiara Whittle’s poem is available on Etsy, purchase here.

View more of our newborn work here.