Mar 26, 2014

Kansas City Princess Storybook Headband

I recently had the amazing opportunity to partner up with Birdie Baby Boutique for a themed headband shoot.  I already used Birdie Baby bands in my work and for my own daughters, often custom designs. I particularly love them for cake smash sets, Katy is kind of a genius at designing them to go with any theme or design. And best customer service hands down. So naturally I was in from the second she contacted me.  Would I like to do something super creative that involves photography and squishy little babies…plus Birdie Baby headbands.  Um, yes please!

 It was a blast designing the prop sets for these based on the band style.  All of them drawing inspiration from well know storybook and princess characters.  Did I mention that all of my models were crazy adorable?  I think they were as excited about the whole thing as I was. I plan to offer Princess minis on a regular basis and am working on adding some fun stuff for the boys too…minus the headbands.  So definitely consider a princess add on if you are booked for a Baby Studio Session.  Or just book a Princess mini and pick your two faves.  I would love to meet your little princess.

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Snow White

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Snow White

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Snow White

Kansas City Baby Photographer | Anna-Marie Photography |

Belle Beauty and the Beast

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Belle Beauty and the Beast

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Belle Beauty and the Beast

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Jasmine Aladdin

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Jasmine Aladdin

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Rapunzel Tangled

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Rapunzel Tangled

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Queen Elsa Frozen

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Queen Elsa Frozen

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Princess Anna Frozen

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Princess Anna Frozen

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Alice in Wonderland

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Alice in Wonderland

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Little Red Riding Hood

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Little Red Riding Hood