Blue Springs Baby Photographer | Sage Studio Session
Sage came into visit me for her 7 month session. I am not sure if I have this exactly right, but I am pretty sure this was her first photo shoot. She was great at sitting up, she only wobbled here and there. We had momma close by if she needed assistance.
Just by looking at the images we captured you can see her eye contact was amazing and her smiles were non stop and beautiful. My favorite set up is the tepee and floral crown. We decided on a whim to throw that in at the end of her first outfit because she was doing so great.
Sage was absolutely perfect. No fussing at all, just happy our whole time together. I always do my best to move quickly from set to set to keep all my babies happy. Unless baby needs a quick snack or a snuggle with mom I keep this moving without downtime between backdrops/outfit changes. I ask all my clients to choose their backdrops before they arrive so I can have them pulled out and usually hung ready to go. Choosing backdrops ahead of time is also great so we can work out any outfit adjustments before clients arrive.
Really, anything I can do to make the session run smoothly is what I am after. Babies have short attention spans and tire easily. Even the happiest baby doesn’t love to sit still and smile at the camera for an hour. I find most of our standard sessions run close to 30 minutes, maybe a little more if the baby needs a break. And that truly is enough time to capture a full gallery of images.

Blue Springs Baby Photographer

Blue Springs Baby Photographer

Kansas City Baby Photography

Kansas City Baby Photographer

Kansas City Baby Photos

Baby Photography Kansas City
To view more of our baby studio sessions check out our portfolio link here.