KC Newborn Photographer | A Letter from my Sister
So, usually my blogs are about my clients. You come here and read a little about each session and look at some sweet babies. This post is a bit different. This post isn’t about a photography session. This one doesn’t have any photos of tiny babies curled up, all fingers and toes and chubby cheeks. No, there isn’t any of that.
This post is about wishing for those things.
This post is about searching for those things.
This post is a letter from my sister.

KC Newborn Photographer
Dear Expectant Mother,
I’ve been thinking a lot about you lately and really wanted to write you, but was a little scared. I wanted to make sure I said all the right things, didn’t leave anything out and most importantly I just wanted this to be perfect. After starting this letter over about 7 times I decided I’m just going to speak to you from my heart. I’m probably going to leave something out and it’s probably not going to be perfect but here it goes.
My name is Kaitlin and my husband is Damon. I have a beautiful stepdaughter named Isa. This year has brought so much joy and a little sorrow to our family. It was this year that we decided to grow our family and find that missing piece.
As a young girl I always knew I wanted to be a mom. I always imagined having several children. I grew up with three sisters and just knew I wanted the same for my family.
As I grew older I was faced with some medical issues that led to my eventual infertility. There came a point when I realized that conceiving wasn’t going to be easy but it was possible. I tried to keep that in mind and stayed positive for the most part. As time went on my condition worsened and I was given no choice but to have a complete hysterectomy at age 24. It was devastating, but necessary for my health and I knew that. But I still grieved at losing the opportunity of carrying a baby on my own. What a special thing to be able to do.
Adoption was going to be my chance at motherhood. I always knew it was there and was very open to it, but it wasn’t until several months ago that my husband and I started the process. We filed all the necessary paperwork and completed our home visits. We were chosen by our birth mom and instantly grew to love her. She was giving us such a tremendous gift. We knew our lives would never be the same and we were so excited for what laid ahead for us in this journey. We prepared the nursery and bought little clothes. We installed the car seat and packed a hospital bag. We were ready to meet our baby.
The day finally came when our son was born. I was able to be in the room and see him come into this world. I held him in my arms and said his name. It was one of the happiest moments in my life. What happened days later broke my heart. Our birth mother changed her mind. The baby boy that was ours just days before wasn’t anymore. We would drive home with an empty car seat and an empty heart.
I felt devastated at the time, but I do know that for everything there is a purpose. And I truly believe the reason I was not that baby’s mommy is because I was waiting for you. God has other things in mind for us. He wanted me to write this letter. He wanted you to read it.
Damon and I live in the Kansas City area in a great subdivision filled with lots of kids. Both of our families live within 15 minutes of us so family gatherings happen often. We are lucky enough to be embraced by a large family on both sides that includes grandparents, aunts, uncles and lots of cousins.
Damon owns his own business so it allows him to get to work from home if needed and always allows him to be available to attend Isa activities. I also work from home as a hairstylist, so it will be easy for me to be a “stay at home mom,” yet still get to help provide for our growing family.
Isa is at an age where she really wants to be a big sister. When we told her we had decided to start this process she was instantly filled with joy. We cannot wait to see how much love she has to give this child, as this is something she wants just the same as we do.
Our family talks about you daily. We can’t wait for you to read this letter. We hope you are reading it right now.
Damon and I know that we want to add to our family, we want to have a baby that is ours… a baby we won’t have to give back. God had a different plan for us and we are both ready to embrace that and start living that plan. Although we love Isa more than anything, our hearts have plenty of love for another child.
You would be giving us such a gift, such a blessing and an absolute miracle by helping us add to our family and completing that missing piece of the puzzle. It brings tears to my eyes when I think about you helping me to become a mommy. I am so grateful to you.
If you are interested in meeting with us or even just talking please don’t hesitate! We have been waiting so long to hear from you!
Damon & Kaitlin
Please feel free to use the contact tab to send Damon and Kaitlin messages of support and love. And if you are that missing piece to their family’s puzzle please don’t hesitate to reach out.
They are waiting to hear from you.
To visit Damon and Kaitlin’s Go Fund Me please click here.