Newborn Photographer Kansas City | Wells
Wells has been on my calendar for a long time. Maybe since last May? So yes, I have been waiting to meet him for quite some time. He was due to make his arrival on 12/14/17. I figured I would shoot his session a few days after Christmas. Yeah, not so much. This little one did not decide to meet us out in the world until 12/31, New Year’s Eve. I believe I have only photographed one other baby who was that over due! So it was really no wonder that Wells was so bright eyed and alert for me. His awake shots are some of my favorites.
Luckily, he was out like a light for family photos.. Because we had an quite an adventure capturing our family shots, lol. It is almost always a high energy time when siblings are involved. Check out those boys though and you will see where Wells got his good looks. Niko and Griffin were just about as adorable as you could hope for. Pretty sure that is the biggest smile I have ever seen out of a kid on Griffin there. I was so excited to have captured all three boys looking so perfect for their momma.
It isn’t every session where you can get everyone looking and smiling at the same time. I know we all make it look that way based on what we choose to show you, but this part is hard for everyone involved. And any photographer who says it’s easy is lying. Yes, they are completely lying. Family photos with toddlers is hard. Now sometimes it’s not. So please no one comment telling me I am wrong. I realize that sometimes it is really simple. Sometimes you get that unicorn of a two year old who is napped, fed, excited and maybe a little confused so they sit and smile. Click, click, click and we are on to goldfish crackers and an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
Listen, you can totally be a person who kids just like. I like to think that part of the reason I am successful at my job is that I get along with kids. Toddlers like to talk to me, babies generally smile at me. I try to not be imposing or scary. I stay out of their space until they are comfortable being around me. I don’t pick them up or do anything to make them nervous when we first meet.
I know what I am doing. I have been doing this a LONG time. However, those traits, knowledge and experience become completely irrelevant during a newborn session. A newborn session is like living in a completely different world. Add in a sister/brother (or two) who is still adjusting to a new baby, a new schedule…basically an entirely new life with a roommate they didn’t get to choose and you are working in a different universe.
So moms, don’t stress if your toddler is acting a little crazy (or a lot) I have seen everything. I have four of my own kids and I understand how unpredictable they can be. One minute all smiles, the next their fruit snack pouch doesn’t have any reds and total meltdown. The emotional instability of toddlers makes for a lot of negotiating, bribing and praying during a newborn session. I can almost always get a family photo (because extra hands to hold wiggly bodies in place!). And I will always TRY my best for that perfect sibling photo. It doesn’t always work out, but you will never leave our studio without saying I didn’t try.

Newborn Photographer Kansas City

Top Newborn Photographers Kansas City

Top Newborn Photographer Kansas City

Liberty Newborn Photographer
To check out Anna’s current work visit her Facebook page.
Newborn posing fabrics and printed backdrops by Roses and Ruffles.