Newborn Girl Red Poppies

I love Kiera’s sweet little face and blonde hair. I love all of her images, however the red poppies ended up being one of my very favorite images I have ever captured.

Newborn Boy Mizzou Football

Brooks was one of my babies on my “wide awake” streak.  He was a tough one, but I eventually won.  Once he was out I worked fast and was able to capture some sweet shots. He is one of my Baby Love planners so I get to watch him grow this year…and I...

Baby Girl Purple Princess Crown

Karaleigh was a tough cookie.  She did not, would not, could not go to sleep.  Luckily she was so stinkin sweet I couldn’t get too upset with her. Afterall, even though we love the sleepy baby shots there is something to be said for a bright eyed newborn....

Kansas City Newborn Girl Cupcake

With a name like Jubilee it just seems right that this little lady would be full of smiles.  Loved her red hair and her sweet disposition, plus I had been waiting to use that cupcake hat and she totally rocked it!