Apr 1, 2022

Liberty Family Photos | Graeme, Henry, Luke and Jack

Liberty Family Photos | Graeme, Henry, Luke, and Jack

In August I had the opportunity to work with one of my favorite families.  We captured these sweet images to update their family photos.

Of course, they all looked picture-perfect.  They always have the best mix of coordinating, but not matching outfits. And this is with no assistance from me. Rebecca is just gifted in that way.

We shot a holiday set for Christmas gifts and cards as well as this second look.  I was trying my best to brainstorm and give some guidance but unfortunately, it seemed I had used all my artistic powers planning their holiday images. So I said how about a casual “jeans” look.?  What does that even mean, by the way?

She said,  “Okay, yes, I can do that”.  And then they show up looking like J. Crew models.  This was the best possible interpretation of my horribly worded suggestion.

Props to my clients for being able to work some magic with the uninspired idea of “jeans”.

And I can’t let an opportunity to mention their amazing hair pass me by.  They literally all have the best hair.  Okay, that’s officially recorded, so I can move on.

I should also add a disclaimer that these are literally the most well-behaved children I have ever met, my own included.  I don’t know how they do it but these boys are sweet, calm, and the best listeners.

Look, honestly,  I actually do know how they do it.  They bribe with Chik fil a. But let me tell you it would take more than a chicken sandwich to get my own children to behave this well.

Thank you Rebecca and Jeff for trusting me with your family milestones.  I really can’t think of a better way to spend my day.  I hope your boys are always this excited over waffle fries and lemonade because I want to see you for many years to come.

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