by Anna | Mar 8, 2022 | Baby, Child
KC Newborn Photos | Introducing Peter I had the pleasure of welcoming Peter and his parents into my studio for his first photo shoot. He continued my streak of happy sleepy babies (please, please don’t let this end). I struggled through the end of 2021 with...
by Anna | Mar 1, 2022 | Baby, Child
KC Newborn Photoshoot | Baby Wren Wren, like the bird, was my first newborn of 2022. She was beautiful and sleepy and I was obsessed with her fluffy hair. She really started off my year like a dream. She was the easiest to pose and didn’t open those eyes for a...
by Anna | Jun 6, 2021 | Baby, Child, Family, Newborn
Infant Portraits Lee’s Summit | Vera came to the studio today Vera was another recent superstar baby in the studio. She was one of the strings of good sleepyheads I had before heading out on vacation. We flew through our table poses and prop shots in record...
by Anna | May 4, 2020 | Baby, Family, Newborn
Infant Photography Kansas City | May the Fourth be with You This session was shot five years ago and is probably the most involved any of my Star Wars newborn shoots have gotten. It seems appropriate to share on this day, right? I have to admit I am not a big Star...
by Anna | Apr 23, 2020 | Baby, Child, Newborn
Newborn Pictures Kansas City | Studio Hygiene and Safety As I write this, I am heading into the second month of not being allowed to work due to the Coronavirus in Kansas City. I am abiding by the restrictions set in place by Jackson County where I operate as a...